Wednesday, April 23, 2014

My sweet Sister

I have found myself the past few days reflecting on the 40 Days to Passover and Resurrection Sunday and the journey I was blessed to take with Peggy Wright.  I recall discussions about the joy of our daily readings, the acknowledgement of Christ working on and in us, the admissions that we were daily facing spiritual warfare and the sweet blessing of being prayer with a Sister in Christ.  We both struggled as we took this journey.  It was not always easy.  But it was always a blessing.

I was able to be real and honest with someone who did not judge me, but offered loved and godly advice. She prayed for me.  She stood by my side when I struggled. She lifted my hands when I could not lift them myself.  She prayed over my family as we struggled with illness and discord.  She got her clean hands dirty living life with me. 

When we were together, there was no thought about age or life experiences.  No thought about if we were on different legs of our race, or the difference in our spiritual discipline. 

There was only love, respect, and genuine care.  Our bond was being strengthened.  Our sisterhood was being reinforced. 

There are no words to explain what a blessing she has been to me.

Today she continues to speak words of truth and life over me and my family.  She prays for me and my family.  She thinks of me, often.  Even offering up ideas and suggestions to help me with things on my heart. 

She is wise.  She is lovely.  She is godly.  She is honest.  She is not without fault or sin.  But she is forgiven.  She is real.  She is Jesus to those around her.

She has inspired my heart to soar with Christ, taking His lead and running my marked race. 

May we all be women who love, inspire and speak life to others.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Robin, your words are too kind but much appreciated, especially as I move through my valley after our 40-day journey up the mountain. It's good to be on the mountain top, but He is sweeter in the valley I think. Love to you, dear one.
