I love how the Christmas season seems to bring out the best in some people. There is a renewed hope in the nature of man, a greater willingness to serve others, and the reminder that it is better to give than to receive.
But there are those who love and serve throughout the year, not only during the holidays. There is a joy set deep in their hearts, and a desire to share that joy. On days when they grow weary, they serve. In moments when there is nothing left of themselves to give, they give.
They are unsung heroes, servants, lovers of Jesus.
They are...
The man who offers to help the mom pushing two carts from the grocery out to her car.
The wife who lovingly cares for her family while her husband is fighting cancer.
The child who buys an extra Christmas gift for their younger sibling because they love to see them open gifts.
The dad who plays dolls and tea parties with his daughter.
The woman who gets the wheelchair in and out of the trunk of her car so her husband is mobile while waiting for knee surgery.
The family that makes a meal and delivers it to friends who are dealing with unspeakable pain and sorrow.
The pastor who visits the homes of hurting people, and the wife who prays along side him.
The mom who stays up all night to care for her sick child.
The woman who gives up everything she has and moves to a third world country to help rescue women for trafficking.
The group of ladies who form a ministry selling the handmade items from women in other countries to help them support their families.
The co-worker who randomly buys a Starbucks for a friend because she able to do so.
The friend who listens intently before speaking a word.
The family that opened their hearts and arms to orphans in need of a forever family.
I am blessed to have some pretty incredible people in my life. People that give, serve and love. They are the hands of feet of Jesus. They celebrate the heart of Christmas every day throughout the year... without even realizing the blessings they are to people around them.
You have these people in your life as well. Notice them. Encourage them. Love on them. Remind them they are being used for the kingdom.
I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day
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