A few days ago I sat down and read through the story of Jesus walking on the water (Matthew 14:22-33) with my oldest daughter. After we read the story we focused on Peter, discussing the faith it took for him to step out on the water, how his faith was tested by the wind and the storm, the results when we lose faith, and how Jesus responds to us when we cry out to Him. The discussion was not in depth, but a great reminder of the importance of keeping our focus on Jesus. The Lord keeps calling this story back to mind, and every time He does he points out something different for me to focus on. Those thoughts are what I want to share with you today.
As the disciples are in the storm they see Jesus walking on the water towards their boat. They initially think He is a ghost, until they witness an amazing scene between Peter and Jesus. Peter decides to test Jesus, saying “Lord, if it is you, command me to come to you on the water.” Without hesitation Jesus calls Peter out. In response, Peter gets out of the boat.
* Often times we ask Jesus to call us to serve where He wants us to serve. The response from Jesus may be immediate because we are ready to serve where He wants us to, or it may be delayed because He is still preparing us. Either way, our response needs to be like Peter. We need to get up and step out in faith, IMMEDIATELY! The longer we wait, the harder it will be to make the decision to step out.
Now, Peter is out of the boat and on the water. I have often wondered how what this process looked like. Did he simply jump overboard with both feet, completely trusting the water would hold him? Or did he hang on to the side of the boat testing one foot at a time, make fully sure that the surface would hold him before slowly letting go of the boat, one finger at a time.
*How do we respond to Jesus calling us out? Do we jump in with both feet, eager and ready to go? Or do we test the water, stepping out one foot at a time, making sure the Lord is good on His word?
Peter is now confident that the water will hold him, so he looks straight at Jesus and begins walking towards him. As his confidence begins to build and his pace quickens, a strong wind whips by his head, catching him off guard. Peter takes his eyes off of Jesus and is more aware of the storm blowing around him. Panic sets in and he begins to sink in the water.
* As we are faithful to the calling the Lord has given us, we begin to gain confidence in His work. We see results and give God the glory He deserves. Then something happens that gets us distracted. For a split second we hear someone tell us the task is too difficult or that we don’t have time for it. We begin to feel the weight of the task ahead of us and begin to wonder if we were mistaken when we thought we heard Jesus’ voice calling. Focus has been moved from the one who has called us to the labor of the calling. When we lose our focus we begin to feel overwhelmed at the task ahead, spend less time in the Word and prayer, and lose sight of the finish line. We sink, just as Peter sank.
As Peter was sinking he cried out to Jesus “Lord, save me!” Jesus reached out his hand, pulled Peter up out of the water, then pointed out the reason Peter began to sink. The distraction of the wind caused him to lose faith.
* When we allow distraction to get our eyes off of Jesus we begin to lose the vision, and eventually the faith to continue on and see the vision to completion. When we become aware of this, we need to call out to Jesus to get us back on track. As only Jesus can do, He will reach down and pull us back up on firm ground, at the same time reminding us in love that we lack the faith it takes to move forward. Our response then must be for God to increase our faith daily that we may live for Him.
Peter and Jesus climb back in the boat while all the rest of the disciples stand in total amazement. They have just witnessed two of their closest friends literally walk on water. Once they snapped out of it, they immediately began worshipping Jesus, proclaiming that He truly was God’s only Son.
* When others see us live our lives for God’s glory, being faithful to the calling He has placed on our lives, they begin to see Him for who He really is. Even in the moments we mess up, we have the chance to tell others of the grace and forgiveness of God. We are not perfect. We are sinners saved by grace through faith. Nothing we do good is of our own flesh, but a work of the Father in and through us.
Scripture does not speak to Peter’s thoughts or response to Jesus after this incredible experience. I wonder if Peter had a hard time worshipping with the others because he was too busy beating himself up for his lack of faith. Or was he able to immediately worship, asking God to forgive his lack of faith and increase it?
*How much time do we spend beating ourselves up throwing personal pity parties rather that worshipping? When we take the time to beat ourselves up over even the smallest things, we take the focus from the Lord and place it on ourselves. While we are important to the Lord, we are not the reason God placed us here. We are here for His glory and pleasure, to spread the gospel and love others. The quicker we get out of our little pity party, the quicker we are able to get back on our feet and serve. The quicker we are serving where we are called to serve, the quicker others will see God moving in and through us.
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