Saturday, April 12, 2014

Day 34 of 40 Days to Passover and Resurrection Weekend - our Savior's heart (John 16-18)

We read several times in the gospels of Jesus going off to himself to pray. He must take time away from his disciples, alone in the presence of His Father.  He knows this time will renew His spirit and his flesh.

In John 17 we see the heart of Christ.  He tells the disciples at the end of chapter 16 that they will be attacked, mistreated and abused by the world, but to take heart because he has overcome the world.  He then begins to pray with His disciples.

First, knowing exactly what He is facing, He prays that God will glorify Him in the upcoming days.  He knows that as the Heavenly Father glorifies Christ, that God will also be glorified. 

Second, He prays for His disciples.  The men that have walked alongside of Him for three years.  The men that have seen Him heal the sick and wounded, raise the dead, preach and teach the scriptures, love on sinners, and encourage the discouraged.  They have eaten meals with this man, slept next to Him, laughed with Him and cried with Him.  Jesus loves these men. And they love Jesus.  So He prays for them. 

Third, He prays for all of those who will believe after His death and resurrection.  For all of those in generations to come that will hear the gospel message and believe in Christ as Lord and Savior.  Those who believe without witnessing what the disciples witnessed.  He prayed for you and me.

What did He pray?  That we would have an easy life and everyone would immediately believe the gospel message as soon as they heard it?  That there would be no wars or fighting for all mankind?  That life would be a bed of roses and no one would ever suffer? 

Quite the contrary!

When Jesus prayed for us, He asked our Heavenly Father to dwell in us, just as He was with Christ.  He asked God to bring unity among believers, that we will stand together for a common a cause, to tell others about Christ.  He asked God to use us to show the world His glory. 

Oh, let that soak in for a moment.

He prayed for US, those who had not yet believed because we were not yet born.

He prayed for US, that we would not be alone on this earth.

He prayed for US, that we would live in unit with all believers.

He prayed for US, that we would be used by the Father to reveal His glory to the world.

This, dear friends, is one of the last things Jesus did before heading to the Garden of Gethsemane to begin the end of his life on earth.


Because He loves US.

So as we near the end of this journey together, as we see the events unfold before our eyes, as we look to scripture, sing worships songs, attend Easter services and musicals, and celebrate with family and friends, remember the reason for it all.

For God to be glorified in Christ, because He loves US.

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