Sunday, July 10, 2011


This week has truly been amazing!  There is a lot to share, but I will give you the Reader’s Digest version…  trust me, you will thank me later!

  • I have been able to spend a great deal of time with my family this week, particularly my brother and his family.  I am soaking up every second I have with them before the move to Texas. 
  • I was loved on by my in-laws this week.  It struck me funny that they are so overprotective of me, but realized that they raised two boys, so having a daughter help out with yard work was new for them.  I think I surprised them just as much as they surprised me!  They are good people!
  • Our church had our 3rd annual Kids Clothing and Equipment Sale this weekend.  It was a lot of work, though I did not do near as much as the others that worked to make it happen.  We made more this year than last year, and I had the opportunity to spend a little time chatting with an old high school friend.  No major conversational topics, but still a good time just hanging out and talking about random topics.
  • After 4 years, I finally had a girls night with my Sister-in-Love.  We had such an amazing time!  Good Mexican food, tattoos, and ice cream.  Yes, you read that right, tattoos.  This is something I have wanted for 5 years and I finally decided that now is the time. 
  • After dinner and tattoos, we shut down Dairy Queen!  We sat outside with our Blizzards and talked for hours.  We had funny topics, serious topics, good laughs, a few tears, and a lot of bonding.  I hate that it has taken us so long to spend time like this together, but I am so glad that God gave us this time before the move. 
  • Tonight, after a nice 2.5 hour nap, I was able to spend time playing dress up with my girls.  It was so much fun!  After we fixed each others hair and put make up on, the girls put on my dresses.  We danced, played, and even made a last minute trip to McDs to get ice cream.  I mean, how sad is it when you get dressed up and have no place to go?  They were so excited to get to go out dressed up!

This past week has made me realize how short our time here on earth is, and how we need to take advantage of every second God gives us.  We have to enjoy our families and friends, and even take the time to get to know new people.  I truly believe this is how we make the biggest impact for our Lord.  Jesus spent time getting to know sinners, and special time with his disciples.  This is how they knew is heart and saw him for who he really was.  The same applies to us.  If we are not investing in the lives of others around us, they will never get to see who we really are.  Not only that, but we will miss out on the blessings of great relationships, even with those we think we would never be able to get close to.  This week, make it a point to spend some extra time with a friend or family member.  Maybe even step out of your comfort zone and get to know someone new.

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