Thursday, May 1, 2014

Breathtakingly Beautiful

I have become more aware recently incredible beauty in everyday life. 
In the hands that cook meals to serve to sweet souls in a homeless shelter.
In the arms that carry a young child.
In the eyes of a stranger looking at me from across the room.
In the laughter of my daughters.
In the early morning sky that reflects the rising sun.
In the voice of my dad as he tells me how God allowed him to meet the family that he and his brothers in Christ are helping build for them through Habitat for Humanity.
In tears shed over a hurting friend.
In hands lifted in praise and worship.
In the song of a group of 7 year old girls singing “Let it Go” at the top of their lungs.
In the prayers lifted up to the Father.
In the wedding kiss of a sweet young couple.
In the broken heart of a mother as she talks about her daughter.
In the tiny fingers of a newborn as they hold momma’s finger.
In new spring blooms.
In sisters who stand, arm in arm, ready to face life together.

There is so much beauty all around us.  We simply need to allow our eyes to open and see it.  

Yet there is a certain beauty that is not seen, but felt.  A beauty that shakes your core and causes you to stand taller and walk stronger.  A beauty that puts the needs of others above their own pain and suffering. 

I am grateful for the beauty that God has placed all around me.  I pray that He will continue to open my eyes to see the world as He sees it, His creation.   I pray that I take the time to teach my girls to stop and see the same beauty.  To cherish it, to love it, to protect it, to encourage it…. To be beauty.  Breathtaking beauty.


1 comment:

  1. Beautiful words. Wonderstruck by an awesome God. Beauty is everywhere for those who have eyes to see. Open my eyes also, Lord.
