Sunday, June 12, 2011


At Deeper Still Priscilla Shirer challenged the ladies at the conference to “shabbat”, to rest and reflect.  Shabbat is where we get Sabbath, and the command from God to rest.  But, Shabbat is much more than merely resting physically.  We are also commanded to rest spiritually and allow God to renew us.  Looking back at the Israelites, as they were given the gift of manna in the dessert, God told them they were to collect the manna for six day, on the sixth day collection double so they could rest on the seventh day, the Sabbath.  When they were obedient and rested, God not only renewed them physically, but He reminded them of how He had provided for them in the past and prepared them for the blessings He would give to them in the future.  When they were disobedient, God got their attention by allowing the manna to spoil and their bodies not get the rest they needed.  

Ever been there?  Even been so tired and worn down from doing so much that your body just shut down and you were not able to go one step further?  Have you ever worked yourself sick, literally, yet could not figure out why you were sick?  Have you ever worked so hard at something, giving it everything you have only to watch it flop and you feel like a failure?  Could it be that you were not resting and allowing God to renew and provide for you?  I am sure we have all been there!  So, how do we make sure we don’t go back and repeat the same disobedience?  We “shabbat”!  We have to make it a point to rest no less than weekly, but even daily, to reflect on what the Lord has done and allow Him to renew us. 

So, as I challenge each of you to “shabbat” (yes, this is my new favorite word), I am going to do the same.  I have rearranged my Sunday schedule to make sure I have time for a nap with my girls, time to reflect on God’s goodness the prior week, and ask God to prepare my heart for what He has in store for me in the week to come.  I am going to share with you every Sunday, hopefully offering you encouragement and accountability in you fulfillment of the command to shabbat.

This past week I was blessed with the honor of teaching 1st grade students at VBS.  I have always wanted to teach, but have never been able to coordinate my vacation time at work with the week of VBS.  This year the Lord opened doors and blessed me tremendously. 

  • I was blessed to work with an amazing group of teachers in our class.  Each came from a completely different background and interacted with the children accordingly.  God showed me the importance of unity in the church, how easily boundaries are broken when we share the same focus, and do not allow our different backgrounds hinder our ability to cross the finish line as a team.  When we work together for the Gospel of Christ, we are unified and nothing will stop us!
  • I made wonderful friendships that I pray will last a lifetime!  Friends I never would have made if were not for us working together at VBS.
  • As I poured out my love on these kiddos, they very genuinely returned that love.  I am an affectionate person, so every hug, high five, smile, card, gift and tickle meant the world to me!  When I was weary, God used these kids to give me the boost I needed to make it through the week.
  •  My girls and I were able to spend an afternoon with a dear friend and her children at the zoo.  I reconnected with one of the best friends I have been blessed with.  Even better, her daughter gave me hugs every day for the rest of the week.  May not sound like much, but to me it was huge! 
  • I was able to pick up 3 precious young ladies every morning and take them to VBS.  The personality differences challenged me a bit, but God showed me the importance of tough love and patience.  Believe me, there were a few days I could not have handled 5 girls without His hand on me!  Each of those girls hold a very special place in my heart, more than they know.  I am tearing up thinking about them.  I will miss them so much next week.  The smiles in the mornings, the hellos and hugs.  Hearing “I love you, Mrs. Robin.”  Thank you, Jesus!  This was the best part of the week for me!
  • I was blessed with family and friends that gave up their time, energy and talents to help me turn a classroom into Battery Park in the middle of New York!  They were so creative and giving.  A few of them even snuck in my room and took down the decorations the last day of VBS, saving me lots of time which allowed me to get ready for Deeper Still.
  • Every night when I went to bed, completely exhausted from a full day, God supernaturally renewed me strength as I slept and carried me through the following days.
  • God used the VBS music to remind me to set my heart in Him, to want to love Him more, to love on others, to share the message of Jesus, and that being a kid is more fun that I remember!
  • Through each of the VBS lessons, the music and the kids, God prepared my heart for Deeper Still.  He had a Word for me, a very specific Word that He spoke to my heart.  One that I would not have been fully prepared for if I had not experienced VBS.
  • At Deeper Still God spoke to my heart, healed some hurts, gave me a vision and direction for what he wants in my life, and encouraged me to keep my focus on Him and not allow life to distract me.
  • I was blessed to experience Deeper Still with amazing family and friends (that I consider family).
  • I came home to a clean house, clean laundry, hugs, kisses, and snuggles.  Thank you, Jesus for my amazing family!!!
  • I had the bittersweet experience of listening to the last SS lesson from my teacher and good friend.  He has such wisdom and a heart for the Lord.  His wife is my absolute best friend.  I will miss them in class, but am so excited to see them stepping out in faith as they finish one season of life and head boldly into the next season.
  • I was blessed with the opportunity to pray for dear friends that are struggling, and reminded how delicate life is, that it must be cherished every moment of every day.
  • The sermon from my Pastor this morning reinforced everything I have learned this week, and encouraged me to move forward with this vision God has given me.
  • I was filled with complete joy when my best friend shared with me that her daughter (one of the girls I took to VBS this week) wanted to have a bible study with her friends.  This child is anointed!!!  I have no doubt in my mind she is the Beth Moore, Priscilla Shirer, Kay Arthur of her generation.  The girl is 8 years old!  OH MY!  God is going to do some great things in her and her family! 
  • I was blessed to Shabbat by taking a 2 hour nap!  HALLELUJAH!
  • As I worked with my family to get ready to go camping next weekend I was reminded of how precious my friends are and how much they mean to me.  I pray that I am a woman after God’s own heart and they can see that in me.

Man, God was good last week…. And I only gave you the highlights!  I pray you will take a few minutes to Shabbat and reflect on your week.  I promise you will be blessed!!!!

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