Tuesday, June 28, 2011


Once again I want to spend a few minutes celebrating and praising the Lord for the blessings He has given me this past week.  He never ceases to amaze me!

  • Monday night our washer flat out died on us.  CPR was not going to bring her back.  So, off to buy a new one.  PTL the one we picked out was on sale and we were not charged for hauling away the old one, or for delivery! 

  • My mother not only offered to let us use her washer and dryer until our new washer was delivered, she actually did my laundry while my husband and I were at work!!!!  I cannot begin to tell you what a relief that was!  Especially since we had so many clothes left to wash from camping.

  • I received word that my brother lost his job, news he had been expecting.  Not only that, but he and my sister-in-love and precious niece are moving to Texas to be close to her family.  How is this a blessing?  While asking God to give them wisdom in their decision and guide them as the move forward, I heard the Lord tell me that He has this entire situation under control.  Even if I disagree with some of the decisions they are making, it is not my business and I have to trust the Lord and know that He has this in His hands.  I am now excited about the future the Lord has in store for them, knowing that this is just a new chapter in their lives.  Even though I don’t like the fact that this chapter is not going to be as close to me as I would prefer, I am learning that letting go is good for all parties involved.

  • The Lord gave me supernatural strength this week to accomplish the many tasks I had on my “to do” list. 

  • I broke down and bought a new swim suit for summer.  This is a big deal because it was a size larger.  Having lost 85 pounds and 6 dress sizes, it killed my soul to come face to face with the fact that I have gained 20 pounds back , as well as a dress size.  As I got home and deal with the bitterness inside, God reminded me that I am more than a dress size!  I am HIS dwelling place.  And, according to Psalm 84:1, His dwelling place is lovely!  Even when I don’t “feel” lovely, I am. 

  • I concluded the Insecurity study with my Wednesday night study group.  We feasted on salad, bacon lasagna and garlic bread.  We celebrated the victories the Lord had given us during this study and discussed the future plans the Lord has in store for us.  I have been so blessed by these ladies, more than they know!

  • My husband went out on a limb and purchased new sheets and pillows for our bed.  Now, as most women are, I am super picky about this sort of thing.  To my surprise (simply because this is WAY out of character for him), the sheets match the bedroom perfectly, and the new pillows are amazing!  He did such a great job!  I am so grateful!

  • This weekend we went camping with my parents, brother and his family.  This was by far the best camping trip we have taken as a family.  Everyone was laid back and relaxed.  I kept reminding myself that this would be the last time we would all camp at Barren together, so I needed to soak in every second.  God allowed me to do just that!  (I feel a new post coming!)

  • I was blessed to listen to my husband ask my dad to teach him how to bass fish and offer to spend more time with him, particularly fishing.  Now, if you know my husband, you know this is WAY out of character for him!  The fishing part, not hanging with my dad.  The conversation was an answer to prayer!

  • I was able to spend some down time with Rich camping and again when we came home.  It is so nice just to hang out with my soul mate.  He is such an awesome man and a blessing to me.
I have to tell you that reflecting every week like this has really made my heart soar.  I am learning to be more and more grateful for the big and small things in my life.  I pray that you are challenged to reflect on what the Lord has done for you this week. 

1 comment:

  1. Love the counting of blessings. Reminds me of my most recent and favorite book, One Thousand Gifts by Ann Vascomp. You would enjoy her blog, AHolyExperience.
